Helmet Helmet Necklace Necklace Armor Armor Pants Pants Boots Boots Belt Belt Ring Ring Weapon Weapon Dist Dist
Tobi's Pumpkin Helmet
Armor: 23
Set: Universal Set
Required Level: 400
Agility: +2
Resistance: 1.5%
Damage: +1.5%
Loot: +8%
Critical: +4%
Critical chance: +4%
Reduce Cooldown: 2%
Heal Bonus: +3%
Max Health: +1350
Life Steal: +1%
Tenacity: +6%
Summon Dmg: +8%
Summon Def: +8%
Cauterization: +2%
Reflection: +3%
Minimum price:
75000 rin

Tobi wears this on Halloween. Only Franleenstain was fast enough to remove the helmet from Tobi's head before he jumped into another dimension.
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